
Sensorial activities highlight physical traits as they exist in matter such as size, weight, colours,…

Practical life

exercises of Practical Life bring the day-to-day activities


Our lessons assist the child in learning about the concept of change by looking at the season, studying…


children explore the common characteristics of the five classes of vertebrates, parts of plants and the…


children learn numeration; dynamic characteristics of decimal system; numbers up to 100; and introduction…

Art Class

Exploring the creative side of our children. Our well trained staff will help your child build the confidence…

English Language

Enhance the children’s literacy by teaching them the English language. Our curriculum includes phonics,…

Swimming Class

Teaching our students how to swim. We have a professional swimming instructor to teach the students how…

Literacy Class

children learn the symbols and associated sounds in English language leading to reading and writing

Music Class

Kids learn to sing, move, listen, play the piano, and even create their own tunes!